Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Theory on the Root of All Evil

The root of all evil?

I'm sorry. That's a pretty bold statement, and I apologize right off. Seriously...but at the same time, I seriously think I've found a fairly bold connection that I've pursued for more than 25 years.

Of course, 'money' has been called the root of all evil. Over time, it's become understood that it's the 'fear of the lack of money' that is more likely considered the root of all evil. But let's break that down.

It's really, more simply 'fear', which is at the root of all evil.

I think that's fair enough to say, but it's not that simple.

There is a notion that 'fear' is the most powerful negative energy, and this notion can be supported by examining fear's expressions.

The fear of scarcity expresses itself as greed.
The fear of survival expresses itself as violence.
The fear of being unloved expresses itself as hate.

I'm sure the seven deadly sins can all find their basis in fear, if we take the time to examine them all. But for this argument, fear's expressions can clearly be seen, and they can equally be termed evil expressions., certainly all of those above. Those are fearful expressions.

In that we can identify fearful expressions, we can also identify their opposite. We'll get to naming the opposite quality of fear in a moment.

But the identity of fear and its expressions begs the questions, "what causes this basis of fear?" and "how do we abate or overcome it?" That's the pursuit I spoke of.

In this pursuit, I've founded some conclusions toward the essence of expression. Expression - what is it and where does it come from?

This now calls for the following diagram - my discovery tonight.

It's known, as best as science can profer, that the brain is divided into two halves - each possessing a unique quality labeled either 'analytical' or 'intuitive'. [diagram 1 - upper left]

My theory suggests the pool of creativity or inspiration awaits us - all to equal potential. [diagram 2 - to the right]

The need for the expression of itself is an inherent quality of creativity or inspiration. It needs expression - and that is its only need.

The brain channels that pool of creativity through itself through either of its two channels - analytical or intuitive. [diagram 3]

Inspiration has the potential to flow through the brain - and its channels - and outpour through those channels' respective outlets - our creative outlets. [diagram 4]

*And here's the critical discovery* If these outlets are discovered, nourished, developed and enabled in each of us such that creativity can "pour" through us - a common expression of the creative genius is that creation is not their own, but rather they are a vessel through which creativity and inspiration pours - then we have the capacity to become healthy, prolific, creative and inspired beings.

This creativity or inspiration can be expressed as art, as science, as commerce, as nurture, as love - otherwise known as "healthy expressions." [diagram 5 - lower left]

However, if our creative outlets are blocked, retarded, immature or so malnourished that they are decrepit and disfunctional, then our creativity is blocked from its healthy expression. It builds up pressure and yet seeks an outlet. [diagram 6 - to the right]

Ok - now let's get back to fear and its opposite once again. We know fear by its expressions. But to really know fear, we must know its opposite, much the way darkness can be defined by light.

What is the opposite of fear? I propose it is an equal quality, known as 'faith'. Carefully consider this quality. What is faith and in what do we have faith?

We can have faith in our place in the world. We're secure.
We can have faith in our abundance. We're safe.
We can have faith in our works that they serve a good purpose. We're happy.
We can have faith in our blessings; faith in ourselves; faith in our existence.
We can have faith in eternity or infinity.

It's important to note - faithfulness does not belong in a Church or in a subscription to any Deity. Faith is to live without fear. It's that simple.

There is no fear in a faithful heart.

So how is faith expressed? I believe faith is expressed by creativity channeled through the mind. As the channels allow inspiration to rise through the mind, and if levels of mind can be conceived - supported by the notion of 'higher-mindedness' being that which is noble - the opposite of which is 'lower-mindedness' or animal or base - then through creativity steeped, bubbling and awashed in the highest reaches of the mind through channels with outlets open and spewing forth, we can see the manifestations of faith:
in 'inspired' art;
in compassionate commerce;
in ever expanding discovery and scientific application;
in loving, nurturing and tutoring - especially of children, but of all who need to receive nurturing and tutoring - namely all of us.

Faithful expression = creative expression = a boon to the world.

And thus, the opposite of faithful expression being fearful expression - destructive expression - comes not through healthy, creative outlets but rather through damaged, unhealthy bursted, wounds, scars, explosions. A volcano of base animal instincts in which creativity merely soaks against the lowest levels of mind and yet charged with the need to express bursts forth through fearfilled expression.

So what's the answer? The answer is the premise for which I've pursued justification all my adult life. Essentially, "why is there art?" "Why is creative expression important to society? "

This is why. Creative expression - either via art; athletics; commerce; teaching; etc. - is the saving grace to our otherwise destructive tendencies. Without healthy outlets, nurtured and developed in each of us, we are destined to express ourselves destructively, in unhealthy ways.

That's the conclusion and the rationale.

We need the arts and sciences. We need healthy, abundant and faithful trade. We need to help one another and the hope that springs from having helped. We need to maintain faith and hope and love. And the key to that maintenance is the healthy expression of the infinite, unlimited supply of inspiration. We must allow it to steep in the mind to its highest levels and pour out as healthy creative expression given to the world.

That's the purpose of art - it's an outlet.
That's the purpose of science - it's an outlet.
That's the purpose of athletics - it's an outlet.
That's the purpose of commerce - it's an outlet.

...and as long as there is faithful expression by these means, they will benefit the world. It's only fear and its expression that turn these skills and assets into destructive means.

Thus we need to support and teach the arts and sciences with more than their skill in mind. We must teach their purpose.
They are a creative outlet essential to our own survival.


SkooB said...

Man that is completely off the mark. I don't know what I was thinking. Not only does it barely ask a question about evil - it's nothing about evil - it's about an artist's frustration to work out the purpose of art.

And what was the conclusion? Art is the great rebuker of evil? I'm not sure I can rationalize that one.

I still think art is a great outlet for all things, good and evil - and perhaps less harmful than an actual outlet. It's a representative outlet, and for that it's beneficial. But it doesn't quell the thirst for evil - I don't think.

Nor does this truly speak to fear, or the basis of fear. This supposes that the frustration from the inability to legitimately create might lead to fearfulness - of something, or all the things - insecurities I guess, which feed off each other into a big ball of fear. Maybe that's the gist of last night's premise.

But I don't think we've found the root of those fears quite yet.

Maybe...if there is anything to the idea that unexpressed creativity can lead to fear...well most likely it leads to insanity - I mean how many nut-case artists do you know? Nearly all of the artists I know have their tendencies, if not their meds.

The closer you get to art the deeper you plunge into its insanity. It can be a frightening experience.

Is that borne of frustration?

Does the unfilled passion to create (with audience - and what is that compulsion?) drive the artist to its depths? What about its heights, as mentioned last night?

Does a fulfilled artist create joy?

Art is a mirror to the soul. I'm sure that's been said...I don't know, but I know it to be true. As the soul aches or pangs, so does the art. As the soul rejoices and hopes, so does the art.

This is what art is for - to release the soul from its cage. But that can't be the only thing. Can it?

Does it serve its purpose? Or does it just torture the artist and spread its misery, when its madness is sad.

I mentioned the meds - the bi-polar, manic-depressive is common in the most creative of folks. One buddy, in his therapy, learned that nearly 80% (some hugely impressive percentage) of all Fortune 500 company CEOs are diagnosed as bi-polar. Now, I don't care if the number is 40%, that's a tell tale statistic. 20% probably seems normal.

So what does it say? That the jobs bring about the ailment? Or that the ailment is inherent in the makeup of those who can and will tackle those jobs. I think the latter was used to quell the fear, but I think the workload of such pursuits - art; science; commerce - the challenges and 24/7 consumption will lead to living habits that may alter the chemistry in one's body. So they may go hand in hand - creativity may be next to insanity on the DNA chart - but unbridled creativity will certainly help push the buttons of its neighbor if left unchecked.

So now we've got art rescuing the soul and torturing it equally.

We've got well developed creative outlets which instigate mental illness in their hosts.

We have a story to be told.

And we have a mirror through which to see the soul of both the artist and of the society in which the artist lives.

Damn the arts!
Free the arts!
Yin and yang.

Cecilia Abadie said...

Last winter I arrived to the conclusion that "Art makes me happy" and it started changing my life a lot towards enjoying art and giving it another placement in my life in a way I couldn't before. I give you that!
On the fear/creativity connection I think it's a good one, I'll elaborate more in another post ...