Saturday, July 28, 2007

More on fear, creativity and other stuff

I like the connection between fear and creativity. It seems like there is room to complete the theory though as there are other ingredients.

Couple months ago after one of my meditation classes I arrived to the conclusion that compassion a word that is very important in Buddhism is by latin origin sharing the passion. This thought triggered me to do the following diagram:

Basically I inferred kind of the same as SK, that fear is the base of all the bad and the direction to go is passion and compassion (later I added freedom) and I guess creativity would be there too. On the side of fear I also added doubts and "mandatos". "Mandatos" not sure how to say it in English are those "external goals" or commitments you get mostly from parents when you're a kid (also other figures).

When I read SK's post about fear being the root of all evil, I kept thinking there should be something else underlying it, and I think that is attachment (very Buddhist thought as well ;). That's why I added freedom on the good side.
The other thing SK suggests is faith as opposed to fear. I understand the faith we're talking is the non-religious faith we use on a daily basis: faith that our car will be out there when we leave for work, faith that there will be a tomorrow when we wake up, faith that the world will still exist when we wake up, etc. I still don't totally buy into faith being the answer and complete antidote to fear, detachment (can someone explain me why attachment has two tts and detachment only one???) which leads to freedom seems to be another avenue. I don't need faith, as I don't care, because I'm detached and ready to live(die) whatever is out there for me. Maybe if I have passion (here's a partial relation to art) I don't fear and I don't attach because I'm in the present moment creating and living by my passion/com-passion.

Just to complete the picture of my diagram, in what would be a different direction, for some reason, I placed Ego and Self esteem as two opposites where the desirable direction would be to go from Ego to Self esteem. I'm not sure they run in a different channel than other pairs as fear/creativity ...

There are some other disconnected thoughts I have on creativity I want to bring into the picture.
1. I did a post some time ago in my other blog about creativity expanding when the left brain is sleepy:
2. I have some notes from some time ago, where I was exploring the world of dreams (big subject!). As I was trying to have lucid dreams I started by remembering dreams and paying attention to them and as I started writing what I could remember I realized that dreams themselves might have the power to unlock creativity and bump it to new levels as well as a door to unconscious knowledge. I even started to wonder if accessing dreams might be the "healthy LSD", as dreams seem to have the same symbolic and messagistic (why does this word not exist??) power than LSD has. They are in a sense an hallucination.

Anyway, just some thoughts around those subjects ...

1 comment:

Cecilia Abadie said...

There are two references in MindHacks (a blog I love) to cases of people that have increased creativity or art inclination after brain injuries:
Brain haemorrhage inspires creativity
Like being struck by lightning: Musicophilia

Pretty puzzling ...