Now that we agreed to the name, and known physical properties the next question could be: how is the informative field affected?
There are many theories out there about the power of creating your own reality by focusing your intention and detaching from the results. How can we make sense of this affirmation in our universe?
I believe it's a quantum probabilistic interaction that explains this possibility. What I often don't hear when this kind of theories are presented is why, why does the combination of intention and detachment work? (assuming according to our own little experiments that is does).
The power of intention (can't find the Sanskrit name for it right now) is a force that can modify the informative field. Who's intention though? The universe's intentions? my own intentions? my neighbor's intentions? the intentions of someone in the exact opposite side of the planet? an ant's intentions? It seems like all of those are legitimate intentions and I'm not sure there's a hierarchy to them but a probabilistic outcome from the intention of all related intenders to the affected objects of the field. The only hierarchy that intentions might expose is maybe the the focus of the intention (tempted to say the purity of the intention, but that might have another meaning not intended :).
The detachment part is simple to understand in probabilistic terms as well, if my intentions are very attached they set up increasing constraints to the reality that would fulfill them as there would be a need for major consensus in the universe for things to happen. So when the intentions are detached, they're free to find their way around in harmony with other intentions.
For what we discussed before universe's primary intentions might be to expand its knowledge and complexity, to survive? to fulfill the intentions of its parts?
This viewpoint kind of opposes two other theories in modern metaphysical philosophy:
1. the theory that all there is is a universe (god) intention and we need to tune it to it.
2. the theory that one individual intention has all the power to change the world.
They could all be true in certain circumstances, such as when individual intentions are in sync with universe's intentions or when one individual intentions are so strong that they can change other's intentions and become fulfilled. But it's always about probabilistic outcome winning in the quantum level in the end ...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
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Nice direction, one of my favorite subjects - intention.
There are so many disparate references to these ideas, but I have gathered over time, that INTENTION IS EMPOWERED BY EMOTION.
So the focus on an intention is magnified by the emotion toward that intention - and that becomes a tricky part of the equation.
If one's emotion is pure - either purely joyful or purely fearful - either way, the thoughts that are focused upon with those emotions are empowered toward manifestation.
That's why the phrases, "be careful what you wish for" and "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" are so powerful. They suggest that we have the ability to empower our thoughts toward a manifestation of those thoughts, and if we are not in control of that power, they will manifest, even against us and our desires.
It's this control over the force upon your intentions that becomes so critical, as much as I understand this phenomenon so far.
This addresses the question on detachment as well. Detachment is a what's also been called "a cosmic bluff." For once an intention is built and empowered by its pure emotion, detachment enables that first burst of power to speed through the collective informative field to attract the energies necessary to manifest without interference.
Because the opposite of detachment is attachment. And attachment is usually founded in a basis of fear. This fear-based attachment is usually expressed with thoughts of, "gosh I hope I get that thing I wished for," but beneath those thoughts are the fear-filled emotions of not getting those things I wished for. The emotion betrays the words and becomes a counter-intention to the first - it empowers the fear that "what if I don't get this" kind of thought pattern. So you've just neutralized your previous intention.
That's how I understand this so far, and it's fascinating to watch it work.
I used to think there were issues of "fate" that played into our circumstances - but I think we develop our "fate" through our purity of thought and emotion - and I don't mean purity in a puritan context - I mean untainted by counter-emotions that would neutralize the original intention.
There are two great books that speak on these things currently:
1. The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer
2. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The latter is brand new and it speaks in language that sums up so much of my 25 year quest on this stuff. I'm amazed actually.
Emotions are just a way to summarize a bunch of thoughts. I acquired this idea from two different places:
1. The Secret. They mention that the brain has millions of thoughts and it would be crazy if our intention was based just in thoughts as it would be too variable and would never imprint anything because of all the contradictions. Then emotions arouse as a way to summarize our brain states and that perfectly explains what you said before of emotions being crucial for the intention direction as opposed of just thoughts. BTW many of the questions that I have today were triggered by this book for me, as it makes very explicit some thoughts I was having doubts and it's forcing me to review the whole theory of everything. (like some things were pushed too much compared to my previous ideas and I read some critics that made some points, etc).
2. The Emotion Machine. Marvin Minsky the father of Artificial Intelligence explains in this book (a continuation of "The Society of the Mind") how emotions are the result of thought and not some kind of a mystical human experience. I didn't finish reading this one yet, as all Marvin's book it's kind of hard to read but what I read so far was already worth it and that is kind of the idea. (we can continue on this subject on your draft on intelligence, perfect synchronicity ;)
On your comment: "It's this control over the force upon your intentions that becomes so critical."
Yes, totally, just thinking on how much more we should be educating our kids on this focused intention. I guess it will happen naturally as we believe it and live it more and more daily ourselves. Like myself at this point I'm not yet in the automatic pilot for this one.
Last point on your prev comment, when you say:
"detachment enables that first burst of power to speed through the collective informative field to attract the energies necessary to manifest without interference"
This is probably true, although I notice you did not include at all the interactions of the intentions of others with your own intentions but see your intention as applied directly to the field. Do you think those interactions don't exist? or is it just semantics as you see the field as including all others' intentions?
I kind of have an agenda on this point, sorry, but I just make the point because I think if it's a shared reality and shared intentions in the end we should focus much more in things such as having a peace intention for the world, etc.
Oops, one more thing, on "It's this control over the force upon your intentions that becomes so critical."
Our intentions are in the end our attention, right?
This would be the final perfect nailing down of the quantum theory into this as it's the attention that determines the particle, it's the intention (or attention) what imprints the informative field of all possibilities (the universe).
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